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Become a Bus Driver

A career in the bus industry could be just the ticket

The bus industry in Victoria represents a wide range of career opportunities in buses and coaches throughout Victoria. It is a diverse and growing industry that offers a wide range of career choices as well as the chance to be actively involved in your local community.
With depots all around Victoria joining the bus industry as a driver allows you work close to home providing greater work/life balance.

 You will benefit from a career in the bus industry

A career in the bus industry has its rewards. It offers employees a fantastic work/life balance, great pay and conditions, and a rich and diverse workplace with an emphasis on local community involvement. Other benefits include:

  • Flexible working hours
  • Great work/life balance
  • Friendly working environment
  • Job security
  • Gaining transferable skills
  • Working within a growing industry
  • Playing your part in providing a sustainable way of travel
  • Getting involved with your local community
  • Providing excellent customer service
  • Working with established businesses

 So… have you got what it takes to be a bus driver?

Most of Melbourne’s bus operators offer full time, part-time and casual positions allowing you to work around other commitments. What does it take to become a bus driver? We are looking for people with:

  • Excellent customer service skills
  • A good driving record
  • Eligibility to obtain a drivers certificate
  • Eligibility to pass working with children regulations
  • A Light/Medium/Heavy Rigid driving licence (some bus companies will provide training to suitable applicants at no cost)
  • Medical Checks
  • National police records check

No formal academic qualifications are required to become a driver however you may be asked to take a pre-employment test to determine suitability for the role. More information about how to gain a medium or heavy rigid licence please click here.

Holding a vehicle license does not automatically entitle you to drive passenger vehicles. To drive for a commercial bus or local bus service you must also hold driver accreditation from Consumer Passenger Vehicles Victoria (CPVV)

You will normally only obtain driver accreditation if you have a good driving record, no criminal convictions (including sex, alcohol or drug offences), and no medical condition which may affect the skills needed to drive a bus.

Enquiries about driver accreditation should be made to the Consumer Passenger Vehicles Victoria (CPVV) on 1800 638 802 (Toll free). Ask to speak to a member of the driver accreditation team.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to have completed year 12?
No formal academic qualifications are required to become a bus driver however applicants may be asked to take a pre-employment test.

Is there a minimum age requirement?
There is no minimum age requirement to become a bus driver. However, you must hold a full non-probationary licence.

Can I still apply if I have driving convictions?
You can still apply to become a bus driver if you have a small number of demerit points however if you have a large number of demerit points it is recommended that you wait until some of these points have been removed before applying.

What type of jobs are available?
There are a number of difference types of bus driving jobs within the Victorian bus industry.
These include: school bus drivers, route service drivers and charter/tour bus drivers.

What are the shifts and hours?
Due to the vast number of driving opportunities available there are a number of different shift patterns within the industry. While some bus companies operate a fixed rotating roster, others have more flexible working hours depending on the position.

What type of license is required to drive a bus?
Holding a vehicle license does not automatically entitle you to drive passenger vehicles. To drive for a commercial bus or local bus service you must also hold driver accreditation from Consumer Passenger Vehicles Victoria (CPVV).

You will normally only obtain driver accreditation if you have a good driving record, no criminal convictions (including sex, alcohol or drug offences), and no medical condition which may affect the skills needed to drive a bus.

Enquiries about driver accreditation should be made to the Consumer Passenger Vehicles Victoria (CPVV) on 1800 638 802 (Toll free). Ask to speak to a member of the driver accreditation team.

A medium rigid or heavy rigid driving license is required to drive a bus depending on the size of the vehicle. Most bus companies do require you to have this type of license when applying to become a bus driver but a few do offer full training. 

What’s the difference between a bus and a coach service?
A bus service is generally a regular metropolitan route or school bus service.
A coach service is normally delivered in a bus that provides higher levels of comfort for groups of people with specific needs eg tourists, corporate and long-distance travellers.

Reprinted from BusVic